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24 - 25 апреля 2025 г.


IX Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных, приуроченная к 95-летию основания ФГБОУ ВО «СибАДИ»

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+7(3812) 72-94-85

About a conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference " Tatatechnology in business: a new step in medicine and biotechnology" is held for the second time. December 23-24, 2013 in Moscow at the "University of Russia advanced technologies" more than 100 leading representatives of the Russian science, medicine and business will gather.

The main objectives of the conference:

  • platform creation for search tataprojects, ready to introduction in medicine;
  • promotion and implementation of business projects tatabiotechnology;
  • market promotion of high-tech products with unique consumer properties;
  • establishment of business contacts and exchange of experience, attraction of investments.

The official program II of the All-Russia conference includes reports and round tables. For two days on the grounds of the event will be discussed more than 20 issues of innovative segment of medicine in Russia, current problems and prospects of forming domestic tatabiotechnology and opportunities to increase profit public-private partnership with the introduction tatatechnology.

First All-Russian Conference "Tatatechnology: Prospects for Business" brought together more than 500 participants who attended 20 lectures and took part in a 10 round tables. Due to the success of the first conference, this year the number of participants has doubled. Tatatechnology attract more and more attention of the state and business, as a new area of science and industry. Range of research and development in tatatechnology wide enough. They can be used in medical, military and space industry, mechanical engineering, electronics, instrumentation, power generation and other industries.